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Between August 1976 and May 1977, Alexandria, Virginia was under the shadow of the West End Murders. Four women had been murdered, many of them associated with the Holmes Run Apartments. It wasn’t until after the killer was arrested that police discovered the fifth body.

Montie (that’s the official spelling, but it’s often misspelled “Monte” ) Ralph Rissell was born in Wellington, Kansas in 1959. By the age of 14, he had already raped someone. He was institutionalized for the rape, but given a suspended sentence for a later attempted robbery.

Eventually, police would arrest the killer for malicious wounding, and only then discover his dark truths.


The Montie (Monte) Ralph Rissell Milestones

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Books about or including Montie Ralph Rissell

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Long-form Videos about or including Montie Ralph Rissell

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